Homeopathy treatment for Osteoarthritis – is it a good option?
Homeopathy treatment for Osteoarthritis – is it a good option?

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis which affects many people all over the world. It occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones wears down over time. Though it affects all the joints, it most commonly affects the joints of hands, knees, hips and, spine.

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis which affects many people all over the world. It occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones wears down over time. Though it affects all the joints, it most commonly affects the joints of hands, knees, hips and, spine. The symptoms of this condition can be managed to a limit but the damage to the cartilage and the joints cannot be reversed back to normal.

Homeopathic medicines along with certain measures such as staying active, regular exercises, maintaining a healthy weight and a healthy lifestyle can improve the symptoms of osteoarthritis such as pain, swelling, movement of the joints, etc.

Signs and symptoms

• Pain and swelling in the affected joints
• Stiffness of the joint stiffness especially in the morning on waking up
• Soreness and tenderness in the affected joints with heat
• Restriction of movements due to pain and stiffness
• Loss of flexibility
• Crackling sound in the joints during movements
• Bone spurs or formation of osteophytes around the affected joint


The main cause of osteoarthritis is the wearing or thinning of the cartilage that cushions the ends of bones in the joint capsule and the bones end up rubbing on the other bone. This friction causes many changes in the bone and damages the connective tissues that hold the joint together and also the tendons and ligaments. These factors lead to inflammation and tenderness of the joints.

Risk factors

• Old age: the symptoms of osteoarthritis increases with age.
• Sex: women are more prone to develop osteoarthritis.
• Obesity: the more the weight, the greater the risk of osteoarthritis.
• Injuries, damage, bone deformities or frequent stress to the joints
• Hereditary: in many cases, osteoarthritis runs in the family,
• Some metabolic disorders such as diabetes, haemosiderosis, etc.


• Chronic pain causing difficulty in carrying out the day to day activities.
• Depression and insomnia due to severe and constant pain.

Managing osteoarthritis

• Weight reduction
• Avoiding activities that exert excessive stress on the joint cartilage.
• Proper rest
• Regular exercises
• Diet control measures
• Physiotherapy
• Reducing stress
• Intake of a diet rich in vitamin C, K and vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids and • calcium

Homeopathic medicines for Osteoarthritis

Homeopathic medicines act well and bring out a proper cure if given during the initial stages of the disease but most in cases, the patients visit a homeopathic physician in later stages. But it is still a good option in managing the symptoms of osteoarthritis. Some of the most commonly used homeopathic medicines for osteoarthritis are Bryonia, Rhustoxicodendron, Belladonna, Calcaria carbonicum, etc. The homeopathic medicines help in reducing the pain, swelling, stiffness and improve the mobility of the joints. It also prevents or slows down the progress of the disease. Some of the best-suited homeopathic medicines for the symptoms of osteoarthritis are given below.

Bryonia Alba: it is one of the best homeopathic remedies for joint affection where the pain gets worse with movement and is relieved by rest. The pains are associated with swelling and stiffness of the joints with difficulty in climbing the stairs. The pains are worse from the slightest motion, better after rest, from pressure or by lying on the painful side.

Calcarea Carbonica: it is indicated for arthritis with swelling and pain which gets worse when getting up from a seated position. The joints feel cold and painful. It is indicated for people who are obese and gets easily tired by exertion. Complaints are worse from cold and dampness, and weakness or cramping in the extremities.

Rhus Toxicodendron: it is one of the best and frequently prescribed medicines in homeopathy for arthritis. It is indicated for pains that get worse from movement such as in getting up from a seated position. This relieves muscular and joint pains at the beginning of motion and then improved by slow motion. There is marked stiffness in the joints. The pain is worse when at rest, with weather changes, especially during cold, damp weather and by initial motion. The pains are better by warmth and motion.

Pulsatilla Nigricans: it is indicated for arthritis with muscle stiffness and cramping. Pains move unpredictably from one joint to another. It is useful when the hips and knees are affected. Symptoms are worse from warmth, and better from cold applications and open air.

Benzoic Acid: it is indicated for arthritis with crackling sound when the parts are moved.

Aconitum napellus: it is useful in cases where the pain and inflammation comes on suddenly after exposure to cold wind and weather.

Arnica: it is indicated for chronic arthritis with bruised feeling and soreness of the joints. Pain is worse from touch. Joint affections after a trauma or injury.

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