Bioplasgen® No. 4

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Quick Overview

Traditionally used as supportive treatment in constipation.

دائمی قبض کے لیے


Each tablet of 104mg contains Calcium fluoratum 3x 25mg, Kalium muriaticum 3x 25mg, Natrium muriaticum 3x 25mg and Silicea 6x 25mg.


Bowels constipated without apparent cause, liver torpid, stools dry, hard and black, dull headache, foul breathe and bad taste in mouth, tongue is coated.


It is a symptom and not a disease. Many men and nearly all women complain about their bowels. They have always tended to be rather constipated. Instead of having a daily bowel action, their bowels move only once every two or three days rather with difficult stool and at times painful.

i) The term given is intestinal stasis. In order that peristalsis may take place, it is necessary for the bowels to contain adequate amount of unabsorbed material or “roughage” which acts as stimulus for movement of the bowels. Taking of regular evacuants harms and lifelong dependence on one of them may cause organic complaints. However, in some cases at sometime it becomes a compulsion to prescribe a laxative. The need for laxative in patients taking Bioplasgen No. 4 is lower.

ii) Normal regular movement of the bowels is not to be expected in febrile dehydrated patients who are taking little or no solid food. Greater care must be taken to ensure a regular evacuation in weak, elderly patients, in whom accumulation of a mass of faces in the rectum tends to occur. It can be avoided by regular intake of Bioplasgen No. 4.

iii) Dyschezia is constipation due to functional sluggishness of the bowel, due to persistent failure to answer the call to stool. Apart from training of a regular bowel habit, use of Bioplasgen No. 4 or glycerin suppository if needed helps the children and old.

iv) Inefficient contraction in both the above conditions is related to improper intestinal fluid, the presence and content. The other cause is weakness of the muscles controlling the movement. It is in these areas where Bioplasgen No. 4 is of help

Proven indications of the ingredients within the claimed sphere of action:

Calcium fluoratum

It is found in the surface of bones, teeth and is a constituent of elastic fibbers and epidermis. It is indicated for constipation more especially if in pre-haemorrhoid and sore crack conditions. It is related tone and flexibility of muscles.

Kalium muriaticum

It is a constituent of intercellular fluids and is indicated for aphthae, coated tongue, constipation, flatulence, foul smell in breath and wind. The symptoms are worse with rich and fat foods.

Natrum muriaticum

It is a constituent of all cells and fluids and is indicated for distended abdomen contracted anus, constipation and at times dry hard stools pass with bleeding.


It is found in connective tissues and nerve fibers apart from other parts of the body in traces. The pathogenesis covers feeling of rectum as paralysed, fissures and haemorrhoids, painful spasm of sphincter and constipation.


Tablets of 104 mg in bottle of 20g.


Tablets of 104 mg in bottle of 20g.


Adults 4 tablets, children 2 tablets, at a time, four times a day at intervals of three hours. Take the tablets half an hour before or after meals, and preferably allow them to dissolve slowly in the mouth.

It is the homoeopathic preparation which is indicated in constipation, is composed of various biochemic remedies such as Calcium fluoratum 3x, Kalium muriaticum 3x, Natrium muriaticum 3x and Silicea 6x in equal proportion. The use of genuine raw materials, back potency and expensive and purest form of lactose, makes the Schwabe’s Bioplasgen numbers, superior to others available in the market.
It is indicated in constipation without apparent cause and stool is dry, hard and black. The constipation is associated with dull headache, foul breath and bad taste in mouth. The tongue is coated. The liver is torpid. Calcium fluoratum is indicated in constipation leading to hemorrhoids and fissure. Kalium muriaticum is for aphthae, constipation, flatulence and foul breath. Natrum muriaticum is for distended abdomen with constipation. Silicea covers the feeling of rectum being paralyzed, fissures and hemorrhoids.
It is to be taken as an internal medicine. Unless otherwise indicated, adults could take 4 tablets, and children 2 tablets, at a time, four times a day at intervals of three hours. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist. We strongly recommend that the medication should be taken as per the physician’s advice.
No side effects are known or reported.
It should be taken as long as the symptoms are relieved or as prescribed by the physician.
Yes. However, as with any other drug, it is better to consult a physician before taking any medicine during pregnancy and lactation.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Years Pioneers in Homoeopathy
Thousands of Satisfied Customers
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